dell EMC Isilon IQ 12000X 控制器失败(dell EMC Isilon IQ 12000X node Controller Fault)
dell EMC Isilon node controller Fault
dell EMC Isilon node Fault
dell EMC Isilon node Fault
SSDs Fault
node service mode
node is safe to remove
dell EMC Isilon IQ 12000X Service Mode 服务模式(dell EMC Isilon IQ 12000X BOOT Mode: Rescue Mode)
dell EMC Isilon IQ 12000X 控制器失败(dell EMC Isilon IQ 12000X SP Controller Fault)
spb login:
*** WRING *** This Storage Porcess is Service Mode *** WRING ***
*** Run "svc_diag" to view system info or "help" for service commands ***
service@spb spb:>svc_diag
============= Now executing basic state ===========
*System Serial Number is:
*System Friendly Host Name is:(one)
*Current Software version: upc_KittyHawkPlus_28_2_upcBuilder-
*Unisphere IP ADDRESS(ES):Unable to determine IP address(es)
*SSH ENbled: true
*BOOT Mode: Rescue Mode
*Post Faults: 0x0000
*Backend Faults: 0x0000
*Rescue Reason: 0x1b20
*Rescue reason for code 0x1b20 - There is problem with the system software on this Storage
Collection and the contact you service provider.
*** WARNING *** This Storage Processor is in Service Mode *** WARNING ****
*** Run "svc_diag" to view system info or "help" for service command ***