EMC Unity 400F Boot Mode: Rescue Mode 故障-->解决方法 |
EMC Unity 400F Storage Processor boots into Service Mode. 故障-->解决方法 |
======== Now executing basic state ========
* System Serial Number is:
* System Friendly Host Name is: (none)
* Current Software version: Unable to determine full software version.
* Unisphere IP address(es): Unable to determine IP address(es)
* SSH Enabled: true
* FIPS mode: Disabled
* Boot Mode: Rescue Mode -->解决方法
* Post Faults: 0x0000
* Backend Faults: 0x0000
* Boot Faults: 0x1200
* Rescue Reason: 0x1200 -->解决方法
* Rescue reason for code 0x1200 - There is a problem with the system software
on this Storage Processor (APPINIT).
To attempt to correct this problem,
first run Data Collection, and then try the following in order:
Check all cables, reboot each SP, and reimage each Storage Processor (SP).
If this does not resolve the issue, contact your service provider.
EMC Unity 400F Service Mode 故障-->解决方法 |
EMC Unity 400F SPA Service Mode 故障-->解决方法 |
EMC Unity 400F SPB Service Mode 故障-->解决方法 |
EMC Unity 400F Insert and Bring Out an SP out of service mode 故障-->解决方法 |
EMC Unity 400F 控制器 故障-->解决方法 |
EMC Unity 400F SP 亮故障灯-->解决方法 |
EMC Unity 400F 控制器A ping不通管理IP地址 -->解决方法
EMC Unity 400F 控制器B ping不通管理IP地址 -->解决方法
EMC Unity 400F 管理IP地址无法ping通 -->解决方法
EMC Unity 400F 管理IP地址无法打开 -->解决方法
EMC Unity 400F 浏览器无法打开 -->解决方法
EMC Unity 400F http IP地址无法打开 -->解决方法
EMC Unity 400F https IP地址无法打开 -->解决方法
EMC Unity 400F Unisphere https IP地址无法打开 -->解决方法
Unisphere 无法打开 -->解决方法
EMC Unity 400F 控制器 SP 失败(EMC Unity 400F Controller failure);
EMC Unity 400F 控制器 SPA 失败(EMC Unity 400F Controller failure);
EMC Unity 400F 控制器 SPB 失败(EMC Unity 400F Controller failure);
EMC Unity 400F I/O Module 失败(EMC Unity 400F Controller failure);
EMC Unity 400F 电源( PS) 失败(EMC Unity 400F 电源 failure);
EMC Unity 400F 电池( Battery) 失败(EMC Unity 400F Battery failure);
EMC Unity 400F hotSpar盘( Spare Disk) 失败(EMC Unity 400F Spare 磁盘failure);
EMC Unity 400F 磁盘( HDD) 失败(EMC Unity 400F 磁盘 failure);
EMC Unity 400F PCI-Express 交换卡( ESW) 失败(EMC Unity 400F failure);
EMC Unity 400F 内存条( CM) 失败(EMC Unity 400F failure);
EMC Unity 400F 后端卡 (DKA) 失败(EMC Unity 400F failure);
EMC Unity 400F 前端卡 (CHA) 失败(EMC Unity 400F failure);
EMC Unity 400F 磁盘 失败(EMC Unity 400F Disk failure);
EMC Unity 400F 电池 失败(EMC Unity 400F Battery failure);
EMC Unity 400F 存储池脱机;
EMC Unity 400F 全盘亮黄灯;
EMC Unity 400F 更换电池方法;
EMC Unity 400F 跟换扩展柜方法;
EMC Unity 400F 跟换交换机方法;
EMC Unity 400F 更换硬盘方法;
EMC Unity 400F -->解决方法 |
EMC Unity 400F Service Mode 服务模式(EMC Unity 400F BOOT Mode: Rescue Mode)-->解决方法 |
DELL EMC Unity 400F -->解决方法 |
dell EMC VNXe SP stuck in Service Mode -->解决方法 |
dell EMC VNXe SPA stuck in Service Mode -->解决方法 |
dell EMC VNXe SPB stuck in Service Mode -->解决方法 |
dell EMC Unity 400F SP stuck in Service Mode -->解决方法 |
dell EMC Unity 400F SPA stuck in Service Mode -->解决方法 |
dell EMC Unity 400F SPB stuck in Service Mode -->解决方法 |
dell EMC Unity 400F service mode-->解决方法 |
Dell EMC Unity 400F, Dell EMC Unity 400FF, Dell EMC Unity 400FF,-->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity XT 380, Dell EMC Unity XT 380F, -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity 400F,Dell EMC Unity 400FF, Dell EMC Unity 450F, -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity XT 480, Dell EMC Unity XT 480F, Dell EMC Unity 500 -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity:booting into service mode: -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity: Storage Processor (SP) boots into Service Mode due to APPINIT counter not being cleared at Manufacturing Facility
Dell EMC Unity: SP in service mode due to frequent manual reboot -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity: Rescue reason for code 0x1b01 -->解决方法
There is a problem with the system software on this Storage Processor. -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity: SP enters rescue mode after failed NDU -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity: After replacing the SP on a Unity system with encryption enabled, it may boot into Rescue Mode Code 0x1200
Dell EMC Unity: SPs may go into Service Mode due to log bloating (/nbsnas partition becomes 100% full). -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity: Storage Processor boots into service mode due to DIMM error -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity: How can I clear paused and degraded storage processor -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity: System Calls Home with Critical 'Unexpected error put SP into rescue mode' error 0x80b0 -->解决方法
DELL EMC Unity: SP rebooted in service mode due to error code 0x1400 -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity:SP启动进入服务模式: -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity:存储处理器(SP)启动到服务模式,因为在制造工厂没有清除APPINIT计数器 -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity: 由于频繁手动重新启动,SP处于服务模式 -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity: 代码0x1b01的原因-“错误”此存储处理器上的系统软件有问题。 -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity:NDU失败后SP进入救援模式,将Unity系统上的SP更换,启用加密后,它可能会启动到救援模式代码0x1200
Dell EMC Unity: SPs可能会由于日志膨胀而进入服务模式(/nbsnas分区已满100%)。 -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity:由于DIMM错误,存储处理器启动到服务模式 -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity:如何清除暂停和降级的存储处理器 -->解决方法
Dell EMC Unity:系统呼叫总部时出现严重“意外错误将SP置于救援模式”错误0x80b0 -->解决方法
DELL EMC Unity: 由于错误代码0x1400,SP在服务模式下重新启动 -->解决方法
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