EMC NAS960 Control Station 无法正常启动 -->解决方法
INIT: Version 2.86 booting
Welcome to EMC Celerra Control Station Linux
Press "I" to enter interactive startup
Setting clock (localtime): [ OK ]
Starting udev: [ OK ]
Setting hostname nas960: [ OK ]
Setting up Logical Volume Management: 9 logical volume(s) in volume group "emc_vg_pri_ide" not active
Checking filesystems
/ contains a file system with errors,check forced.
Error reading block 65571 (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read) while doing inode scan.
(i.e., without -a or -p options)
*** An error occurred during the file system check.
*** Dropping you to a shell:the system will reboot
*** when you leave the shell.
Give root password for maintenance
(or the Control-D to continue):
EMC NAS960 Control Station 无法正常启动,无法控制存储 -->解决方法
Control Station 无法正常启动,-->解决方法
EMC NAS960 Control Station 无法管理存储,-->解决方法
emc nas960,这个control station启不来了,还有什么办法能管理nas吗 -->解决方法