AIX SSH 连接会话失败,The remote system refused the connection -->解决方法 |
AIX SSH无法连接,但能Ping 主机 -->解决方法
AIX Telnet无法连接,但能Ping 主机 -->解决方法
AIX 启动到Diag界面 -->解决方法
AIX 停留在0517 -->解决方法
AIX Telnet 连接会话失败,The remote system refused the connection -->解决方法 |
HMC 0C33 -->解决方法
0C33 AIX diagnostic load progress indicators -->解决方法
HMC 0539 -->解决方法
HMC 2028 -->解决方法
HMC 0538 -->解决方法
HMC 0811 proc4 -->解决方法
HMC 0811 proc0 -->解决方法
HMC 0708 L2cache0 -->解决方法
HMC 0812 mem0 -->解决方法
HMC 0539 -->解决方法
HMC 0811 Sysplanar0 -->解决方法
HMC 0539 -->解决方法
HMC Starting kernel -->解决方法
HMC AIX is starting -->解决方法
HMC CA00E891 -->解决方法
HMC CA260208 -->解决方法
HMC CA260208 -->解决方法
HMC B2001230 LP=00 -->解决方法
HMC 110000AC -->解决方法
HMC B2001230 LP=00 -->解决方法
HMC 110000AC -->解决方法
Failed Authentication -->解决方法
Firmware Password locked -->解决方法
Connecting 0000-0000-000000 -->解决方法
Java Application Blocked -->解决方法
Application Blocked by Java Security -->解决方法
Do you want to Continue?
The connection to this website is untrusted: -->解决方法
Note: the certificate is not valid and connot be used to verify the identify of this website
The certificated useed to identify the website is not trusted. the reasons are listed below.proceed at your own risk.
The Certificate Authority that issued this certificate is not trusted
The certificate used to identify the website is not trusted. the reasons are listed below. proceed at your own risk.
the certificate is not yet valid -->解决方法
the application is being downloaded from a site other than the on specified by the security certificate
Downloading from ""
Expecting "localhost"
View Certificate Details
错误3:application Blocked by java security -->解决方法
HMC 打开teminate ,报错如下:
The task you want to switch to is an applet based task, which does not support "Switch To',
Please use the window switching capability for local windows to 'Switch To' the window for this task..
For security,applications must now meet the requirements for the High or Very High security settings,
or be part of the Execption Site List,to be allowedto run.
your security settings have blocked an application signed with an expired or not-yet-valid certificate from running
Website: -->解决方法
液晶屏: STANDY -->解决方法
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