华为OceanStor N8300
main.cf has multiple system configured; starting vcs with 'hastart'
Starting VCS
Master Resource Control: runlevel 3 has been
Failed services in runlevel 3: -->解决方法
Skipped services in relevel 3:
Welcome to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP3 (X86_64)- Kernel
N8000 login:
华为OceanStor N8300 -->疑难问题-->解决方法
N8000 login:
N8000> Fulted Shares: -->解决方法
VCS ERROR V-16-1-10600 Cannot connect to VCS engine:ERROR
VCS ERROR V-16-10600 Cannot connect to VCS engine:ERROR
admin -- administrator user account
backup --backup configuration
cifs --CIFS share commands
cluster -- cluster configuration commands
exit --return to the previous menus
ftp -- FTP configruation commands
help -- display an overview of the CLI syntax
history -- display command history
locense -- inquire license
logout --logout of the current CLI session
man --display on-line reference manuals
network --network configuration commands
nfs --NFS share commands
report --logging,report and monitor configuration
sftp --sftp configuration commands
smartdd --smart De-duplication configuraton commands
storage --storage provisioning commands
support --support utlity commands
system --some utility commands
upgrade --software upgrade and version commands
N8000>VCS ERROR V-16-1-10600 Cannot connect to VCS engine :ERROR-->解决方法
华为OceanStor N8300
N8000 login:
bond --Creating Bond of interfaces
dns --change/view DNS settings
ip --configure physical IPs and interfaces
Ldap --ldap client configuration
man --display on-line reference manuals
nsswitch -- namd wervice switch configuration
ping --ping a node
show --show current network configuration and statistics
N8000 lock ERROR V-288-522 Unable to find the console node -->解决方法